24 results
Consultation on the Design Plan for the Roll-out of Smart Electricity Meters in Northern Ireland
Smart meters were proposed as a tool in the Energy Strategy to provide customers with modern meters that give real time information and to help enable the development of an accessible and digitalised energy system where data provides value for consumers and a more efficient system operation. The Department has commissioned a detailed review of implementation programmes in other countries to understand the key risks and barriers to implementation and consolidate knowledge on best... MoreClosed 16 January 2025 -
Consultation on support for low carbon heating in residential buildings
The purpose of this consultation is to evaluate support options for low carbon heating technologies within the residential sector. The views provided will help the Department for the Economy (DfE), with further policy development in this area. We welcome feedback from a range of stakeholders; the public, heat pump installers, heat pump manufactures, third level education, private companies with a vested interest in the low carbon heat industry; and other public... MoreClosed 10 January 2025 -
Consultation on Proposed Changes to Qualifications Performance Measures
We are seeking the views of post-primary schools and special schools with post-primary age pupils on proposed changes to how qualifications are counted for system level performance measures. There are three proposals and you are asked to indicate the degree to which you either agree or disagree with each. If you wish to expand on your reasons for either agreeing or disagreeing with these proposals, or you have any further comments, you may use the free text box at the end of... MoreClosed 25 October 2024 -
Use of Mobile Phones and Other Similar Devices in Schools Survey
The Department of Education has launched a survey for schools and EOTAS settings to gather information on current approaches to pupils’ use of personal mobile devices. The new guidance on pupils’ personal use of mobile phones and other similar devices during the school day is available at DE Circular 2024/14 Guidance for Schools on Pupils’ Personal Use of Mobile Phones and other Similar Devices During the School Day MoreClosed 11 October 2024 -
The cost of living crisis has brought into sharp focus that school uniforms and other such items can be a financial burden, particularly for lower income and large families. The Minister of Education plans to introduce statutory guidance so that all governing bodies will be required to review their current school uniform policy and ensure costs are manageable for parents/carers. This consultation seeks views on what should be contained within any statutory guidance on school... MoreClosed 27 September 2024 -
Public Appointment Competition for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)
The Department of Education is seeking members for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) MoreClosed 24 July 2024 -
Department for the Economy Evaluation of the 2021-2024 Social Enterprise Work Program delivered by Social Enterprise NI.
DFE recognises that social enterprises are playing an increasingly positive role within the wider economy and to operate effectively they require ongoing support. From April 2021 to March 2024 DFE developed a wide-ranging social enterprise work programme that had the overall aim of supporting the development and growth of social enterprises. Social enterprise NI was selected as our delivery partner to deliver a series of objectives that supported DFE overall aims. ... MoreClosed 19 July 2024 -
Careers Service Software for Autistic People
The Department for the Economy’s Careers Service offers impartial and personalised advice and guidance to people of all ages in Northern Ireland, and this is provided by professionally qualified Careers Advisers. We want to help young people with decisions about subject choices when you are at school and we can help with advice and guidance on how to find a college or university course, an apprenticeship, start training or finding a job. We offer advice and... MoreClosed 21 June 2024 -
Widening Participation - Support for Collaboration, Structures and Communication - Questionnaire
The Department for the Economy (DfE) is reviewing the future approach to Widening Participation in Higher Education as the current strategy ( Access to Success ) has passed its intended timeframe. A Widening Participation Forum has been established, a key focus of this Forum is to develop the Widening Participation policy and to support the development of a revised approach to Widening Participation. In order to achieve these aims, the following work... MoreClosed 3 May 2024 -
Expression of Interest for Widening Participation Stakeholder Engagement Network
Expression of Interest for Widening Participation Stakeholder Engagement Network The Department for the Economy (DfE) is reviewing the future approach to Widening Participation in Higher Education. We believe that your valuable expertise and insights will greatly contribute to our mission of promoting equal access and opportunities in education. Stakeholder participation will not only help shape our widening participation efforts but also create a... MoreClosed 10 April 2024 -
Education Settings – DE Emotional Health and Wellbeing Survey (February 2024)
Education Settings – DE Emotional Health and Wellbeing Survey (February 2024) The joint Department of Education (DE) and Department of Health Children & Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework was published in February 2021 along with an implementation plan . The Framework sets out overarching guidelines to support those working in DE-funded educational settings (pre-school through to post-primary) to help them promote emotional... MoreClosed 21 March 2024 -
Voluntary/Community/Private Organisations – DE Emotional Health and Wellbeing Survey (February 2024)
The joint Department of Education (DE) and Department of Health Children & Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework was published in February 2021 along with an implementation plan . The Framework sets out overarching guidelines to support those working in DE-funded educational settings (pre-school through to post-primary) to help them promote emotional wellbeing and strengthen self-esteem and resilience in children and young people. The Framework... MoreClosed 21 March 2024 -
Expression of Interest for Widening Participation Stakeholder Engagement Network
Expression of Interest for Widening Participation Stakeholder Engagement Network The Department for the Economy (DfE) is reviewing the future approach to Widening Participation in Higher Education. We believe that your valuable expertise and insights will greatly contribute to our mission of promoting equal access and opportunities in education. Stakeholder participation will not only help shape our widening participation efforts but also create a... MoreClosed 21 February 2024 -
Integrated Education Act Action Plan Consultation
The Integrated Education Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 became law on the 26 October 2022. This Act placed a duty on the Department of Education (DE) to prepare, publish and maintain a strategy for the encouragement, facilitation, support for and provision of integrated education. The strategy had to include an Action Plan to deliver on the strategy and the law re quires that DE consult on that Action Plan. This consultation is an opportunity to have your views considered in... MoreClosed 30 November 2023 -
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Consultation
Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) The Department of Education has launched a consultation on the circumstances and arrangements which would enable a parent/carer to excuse their child from receiving age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion. Consultation Period The consultation will run... MoreClosed 24 November 2023 -
Statutory Guidance On The Reduction And Management Of Restrictive Practices In Educational Settings In Northern Ireland
Consultation launched on Statutory Guidance on the Reduction and Management of Restrictive Practices in Educational Settings The Department of Education has launched a consultation seeking views on its Statutory Guidance on the Reduction and Management of Restrictive Practices in Educational Settings in Northern Ireland. Consultation Period The consultation will run from 5 September until 3 November 2023. The closing date for the... MoreClosed 10 November 2023 -
Northern Ireland School Leavers Statistics – User Survey
The Department of Education publishes annual National Statistics on school leavers in Northern Ireland ( Qualifications and destinations of Northern Ireland school leavers ). These statistics have also, until recently, been published on NINIS and are now available on the new NISRA Data Portal . The purpose of this survey is to help identify the users of these statistics, assess whether the statistics meet their needs, and identify possible areas for improvement. As a user of these... MoreClosed 13 October 2023 -
Department for the Economy - Spending Plans for 2023/24 Consultation
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (SoS) announced the 2023/24 Budget for Northern Ireland on 27 April 2023. This will see Northern Ireland departments receive £14.2 billion of Resource DEL funding and £2.2 billion of Capital DEL funding. The Department for the Economy (DfE) has been allocated funding of £772 million Resource DEL (RDEL) and £246 million Capital DEL (CDEL) for 2023/24. Overall, Northern Ireland departments face a 0.4% reduction in budgets;... MoreClosed 30 August 2023 -
Principles for Vocational Qualifications in Northern Ireland
Purpose of this consultation: Vocational qualifications are the foundations upon which our vocational education and skills system is built. They are delivered in FE colleges, schools (including Irish Medium schools), private training organisations, the community and voluntary sector and businesses to a wide range of different learners and fulfil a range of different purposes. Vocational qualifications are also delivered within a range of departmental programmes such as ApprenticeshipsNI,... MoreClosed 9 March 2023 -
Derrytrasna Pastoral Care Award 2023
The Derrytrasna Pastoral Care Award was created by the Department of Education in partnership with the Public Health Agency (PHA) in 2014. The annual award is for school communities that have demonstrated exceptional pastoral care for the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils. It is named after St. Mary’s Primary School in Derrytrasna whose special pastoral care inspired the award. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic the Award has been suspended for two years, as a result of this... MoreClosed 16 December 2022 -
Department of Education Consultation on Period Products (Free Provision) Regulations
The Department of Education (DE) is consulting with its 'Public Service Bodies' and also welcomes views from its wider stakeholder base. The Consultation relates to proposals for Regulations (secondary legislation) that DE has to have in place by 11 May 2023, under the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022. DE is not consulting on whether or not free period products should be widely available to the public - that is already provided for under the Act. The... MoreClosed 17 October 2022 -
Consultation on the Functions Delivered by the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland
The Minister of Education announced, to the Northern Ireland Assembly on 13 December 2021, her decision to seek the dissolution of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI), the organisation currently established by statute to be the professional body for teachers. In her announcement, the Minister also stated that the Department would consult on the functions currently assigned to the GTCNI and how these can be This consultation will open on Monday 13 June and... MoreClosed 30 September 2022 -
School Governor Survey
For the attention of School Leaders, School Governors and other education organisations. MoreClosed 20 May 2022 -
Board of Governors Reconstitution
For the attention of School Leaders and Board of Governors at Controlled and Maintained Schools MoreClosed 24 June 2021
24 results.
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