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461 results

  • Digital Admissions - Post-Primary Satisfaction Survey 2021

    As a Parent/Guardian who applied for a Post Primary Year 8 place for September 2021, you are being asked to take part in the Education Authority’s (EA) Satisfaction Survey. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and is an important exercise as it helps us to understand the experience of parents who used the online application process. Feedback from the survey will be used to help us evaluate and improve this service. Please note, that your responses... More
    Opened 13 January 2021
  • Sport Northern Ireland Staff Profile Survey 2021

    IT Responses More
    Opened 18 January 2021
  • SP - PIF Application - £20,001 - £150,000

    The Provider Innovation fund (PIF) is a competitive fund that aims to support improvements to the delivery of the Supporting People Programme (SPP). Existing SPP providers can bid for support to help them improve their delivery of the SPP. Please click the 'Online Survey' link below to begin your application. More
    Opened 19 January 2021
  • SP - PIF Application - £5,000-£20,000

    The Provider Innovation fund (PIF) is a competitive fund that aims to support improvements to the delivery of the Supporting People Programme (SPP). Existing SPP providers can bid for support to help them improve their delivery of the SPP. Please click the 'Online Survey' link below to begin your application. More
    Opened 19 January 2021
  • Programme for Government Framework Consultation

    Thank you for your interest in this consultation. The NI Executive is developing a new strategic, Outcomes-based Programme for Government (PfG). It aims to deliver real, lasting and positive change in people’s lives. This consultation is seeking your opinions on the draft framework of nine Outcomes upon which the PfG will be built. Together these Outcomes create a picture of the kind of society we all want to live in. Watch the following short video to... More
    Opened 24 January 2021
  • PfG - Children and young people's survey

    This survey is about the main things the Northern Ireland Executive – which runs our government – wants to do in order to make sure people of all ages and backgrounds are cared for, and no one is left out. We would like you to tell us what you think about these plans by completing this survey. The survey is anonymous – when you send your answers, we won’t know who you are. You will be asked questions on the following nine topics: ... More
    Opened 24 January 2021
  • PPS Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

    This is a public consultation by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS) to seek your views on our updated policy for prosecuting cases of modern slavery and human trafficking (referred to in the document as ‘MSHT’). Modern Slavery is an umbrella term that covers the offences of human trafficking and slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour. It is recognised that victims are among the most vulnerable people in society and could be... More
    Opened 28 January 2021
  • Increasing the General Civil Jurisdiction of the County Courts in Northern Ireland

    Opened 4 February 2021
  • LSANI - Consultation on Publication of Annual Payments to Suppliers of Legal Aid

    This consultation seeks views on the principle of providing high-level information that indicates the areas in which legal aid is expended and details of the level of payments made to suppliers of publicly funded legal services. More
    Opened 4 February 2021
  • PfG Framework Equality Impact Assessment Consultation

    Thank you for your interest in this consultation. The NI Executive is developing a new strategic, Outcomes-based Programme for Government (PfG). It aims to deliver real, lasting and positive change in people’s lives. The PfG will be built on a draft framework of nine Outcomes. These are subject to a separate consultation. Together these Outcomes create a picture of the kind of society we all want to live in. More
    Opened 5 February 2021
  • Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme - Future of the Scheme

    Opened 11 February 2021
  • A New Sport and Physical Activity Strategy for Northern Ireland Consultation

    This questionnaire, in conjunction with the consultation document represents a key step in developing a new, cross-departmental Strategy for Sport and Physical Activity for Northern Ireland to cover the next ten years and beyond. More
    Opened 26 February 2021
  • Women and Girls in Sport – Coaching and Leadership Survey 2021

    Sport Northern Ireland as the leading public body for the development of sport in Northern Ireland are passionate about maximising the power of sport to change lives. As we develop our new strategy, for the next five years, key themes of; well-being, diversity and inclusion will all be central to the critical development of our sporting system in Northern Ireland. Sport Northern Ireland’s mission statement is; ‘By 2025; we want the power of sport to be recognised and valued by... More
    Opened 8 March 2021
  • Sport NI Declaration of Interests 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022

    Sport NI Declaration of Interest Policy was approved by the Board on 11 th March 2020. The revised policy has been updated to simplify the annual declarations made by staff and board members. This online form is to be completed by all staff and Board Members by 16 th April 2021. More
    Opened 8 March 2021
  • Sport NI - Supporting the Developing Female Athlete in your Pathway Feedback

    Sport NI - Supporting the Developing Female Athlete in your Pathway Feedback More
    Opened 15 March 2021
  • Sport NI-Supporting the Developing Female Athlete in your Pathway Workshop 2 Feedback (26/03/2021)

    Sport NI - Supporting the Developing Female Athlete in your Pathway Feedback More
    Opened 25 March 2021
  • Our lockdown world - your experience

    Our lives have changed significantly over the past year. We are now all experienced in alternative modes of living. The pandemic has impacted on the use of our homes and neighbourhoods and is perhaps making us all think differently about how we spend time in our places of work, leisure, learning and living - now and in the future. More
    Opened 31 March 2021
  • JobStart 1 Scheme Application

    The JobStart Scheme has now closed to new employer applications. No further applications will be accepted for the Scheme. All JobStart applications received prior to the Scheme closing will be unaffected by this closure and the Department will process all final applications received before the closing date. The Scheme closure will not affect any young people currently participating. These young people will be allowed to continue in... More
    Opened 2 April 2021
  • Bowls Nutrition Survey

    Welcome! This is a short survey to find out what you know and what you’d like to know about nutrition and bowls performance. So that you are aware the response from your survey will be viewed by Julia Bone, Performance Nutritionist from Sport Northern Ireland Sports Institute and if appropriate her colleagues Lorna Cooke and Julianne Larkin. De-identified responses and group averages may be shared with Neil Booth & Tommy Smith of the Irish Bowls Federation. More
    Opened 8 April 2021
  • Post Disability Employment Awareness Programme - Learning Needs Assessment for Employer Facing Staff

    We would like to thank you for your attendance and valued participation at the recent Disability Employment Awareness sessions. Please find attached the first of the evaluation surveys as a follow-up to the two workshops you recently attended. We had a tremendous response from you for the pre evaluation so are again asking that you all complete these surveys as they will help shape the awareness programme going forward. Pleased be assured that this evaluation is... More
    Opened 15 April 2021
  • Admissions Staff Survey (Post-Primary)

    Neueda were employed to design a system to enable parents to apply for a post-primary school place and upload documents in support of their application and for post-primary schools to process their applications. Your input as a member of staff using the solution is requested. (Parents and post-primary schools will be surveyed separately). More
    Opened 22 April 2021
  • Admissions Staff Survey (Pre-School and Primary)

    In 2021, as in 2019 and 2020, parents applied for pre-school and primary one places via the Citizens Portal. As a new development for 2021, Neueda were employed to design a system to enable parents to upload documents in support of their application and for pre-schools and primary schools to view and download documents. Your input as a member of staff using the solution designed by Neueda is requested. (Parents and pre-schools/schools have been or will be surveyed... More
    Opened 22 April 2021
  • AccessNI Online Training Participant Survey [21/22 April 2021]

    We would welcome your views on your experience of the AccessNI webinar you attended during week commencing 19th April 2021. There are only 13 questions and the survey should take no longer than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you. More
    Opened 22 April 2021
  • NI Postgraduate Tuition Fee Loan Consultation

    The Department for the Economy is seeking views from stakeholders and the general public regarding proposed options, discussed in the consultation document, to enhance and amend the current Postgraduate Tuition Fee Loan. This loan is available to Northern Ireland-domiciles undertaking eligible taught courses at postgraduate level. This does not include research courses at postgraduate level, which are covered by the Postgraduate Awards. More
    Opened 26 April 2021
  • Primary Legislation Webinar - Feedback

    Please provide your feedback to help us improve these webinars. More
    Opened 27 April 2021
  • Careers Service Survey

    The Department for the Economy’s Careers Service provides an impartial, all-age careers information, advice and guidance service, to help young people and adults make informed choices about their future career paths. More
    Opened 3 May 2021
  • Training Needs Assessment Survey

    Departmental Coordination Team and Private Office are working together to develop and deliver a programme of guidance, awareness and skills enhancement in relation to preparation of Machinery of Government returns in line with the 2021/22 Business Plan. This aim of this survey is to gather information on training needs and current level of expertise from staff who are required to draft such responses and briefing. This will be used to inform a series of webinars and guidance to... More
    Opened 17 May 2021
  • AccessNI Applicant Survey [17-30 May 2021 ]

    We would welcome your views on your experience during your recent application for an AccessNI check. There are only 9 questions and the survey should take no longer than 1 minute to complete. Thank you. More
    Opened 17 May 2021
  • AccessNI Online Training Participant Survey [19-20 May 2021]

    We would welcome your views on your experience of the AccessNI webinar you attended during week commencing 17th May 2021. There are only 13 questions and the survey should take no longer than 2 minutes to complete. Thank you. More
    Opened 21 May 2021
  • ECG Development Seminars

    To identify development interests for staff within Engaged Communities Group More
    Opened 28 May 2021
461 results. Page 2 of 16