Programme for Government Framework Consultation

Closed 22 Mar 2021

Opened 24 Jan 2021


Thank you for your interest in this consultation. 

The NI Executive is developing a new strategic, Outcomes-based Programme for Government (PfG). It aims to deliver real, lasting and positive change in people’s lives. This consultation is seeking your opinions on the draft framework of nine Outcomes upon which the PfG will be built. Together these Outcomes create a picture of the kind of society we all want to live in.

Watch the following short video to learn more about the PfG, the draft Outcomes framework being consulted on and hear why your contribution is so important.

NI Executive wants to hear your views




Why your views matter

Government cannot work in isolation to solve the wide ranging and long-term issues that face all of us as a society. We need to work with citizens, organisations and representatives from across Northern Ireland and use their knowledge and expertise to help guide and develop a PfG that benefits everyone.

To reach this stage of public consultation, many conversations have already taken place. We’ve taken on board these views and produced this draft Framework, along with some early thinking around Key Priority Areas and associated strategies that will help deliver the PfG.  

We want to continue to co-design the PfG and you now have the opportunity to influence it further; tell us what you think, as getting it right is key to everything that follows. You can do this by completing this online consultation. Links to alternative formats can be found at the end of this page.

If you wish to speak with the PfG team in The Executive Office ahead of completing this survey, email

What happens next

The consultation on the Programme for Government draft framework closed on 22 March 2021.  Following consideration of all responses, a full analysis report will be published on The Executive Office website.


  • All stakeholders
  • Citizens


  • NI