593 results
DP Connect Sessions - Feedback
We hope you found the DP Connect modules beneficial. Please can you take just a few minutes to complete this short feedback form which will help us when planning future events. Thank you. MoreClosed 26 July 2023 -
EA Connect Admissions School and Playgroup User Satisfaction Survey 2023
Developed through the EdIS programme, EA Connect is home to a number of key services delivered by the Education Authority (EA) to support schools and families. This year the application processes for Admission to Pre-School, Primary School, and Senior High Schools in the Dickson Plan have moved onto EA Connect, the same platform as Applications and Admissions Appeals for Post-Primary (Year 8). As a user of EA Connect you are being asked to take part in a satisfaction survey. MoreClosed 31 July 2023 -
EQIA on DfC Budget for 2023-24
In order to comply with its obligations under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the Department has undertaken an equality impact assessment on its allocation as outlined in the Secretary of State’s Budget 2023-24. The Budget 2023-24 was announced by the Secretary of State on 27 April 2023. MoreClosed 2 August 2023 -
Project Re-Boot Activate: End of Project Report
This end of project report is designed to provide Sport NI with valuable feedback on the delivery of your recent Supporting Sport to Build Back Better – Project Re-Boot Activate Award. Please complete all questions within the report, we ask you to be honest and open in your feedback and report back accurate details as requested. Completion and submission of this end of project report is a requirement within the Terms and Conditions of your award. ... MoreClosed 16 August 2023 -
CJI Inspection of the effectiveness of court administration - NICTS
Welcome to the survey of staff within the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service for Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland's (CJI) inspection of the effectiveness of court administration. MoreClosed 18 August 2023 -
Accounting Speaker Events Survey
The Accounting Speakers group would like to hear your views. We have prepared a short survey – just 4 questions! By taking the time to answer these questions, it will help us to understand how things are going and provide us with some feedback that we can use to inform planning for future events. We are keen to hear from accountants across the department to make sure we are providing speakers that will be of interest to everyone. Accounting Speakers... MoreClosed 25 August 2023 -
Move to UC migration notice survey
The Department for Communities would like to evaluate the support and service received by anyone who was sent a Universal Credit Migration Notice letter. As part of our evaluation, we are conducting an online survey in relation to Move to Universal Credit in Northern Ireland. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes of your time, and your responses will be completely anonymous. Any information that you provide will not allow you to be identified in any way by... MoreClosed 29 August 2023 -
Department for the Economy - Spending Plans for 2023/24 Consultation
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (SoS) announced the 2023/24 Budget for Northern Ireland on 27 April 2023. This will see Northern Ireland departments receive £14.2 billion of Resource DEL funding and £2.2 billion of Capital DEL funding. The Department for the Economy (DfE) has been allocated funding of £772 million Resource DEL (RDEL) and £246 million Capital DEL (CDEL) for 2023/24. Overall, Northern Ireland departments face a 0.4% reduction in budgets;... MoreClosed 30 August 2023 -
R Training Evaluation
We would like to gather feedback on the R training courses delivered to PSU staff towards the end of 2022, by Jumping Rivers. Your feedback will help us to evaluate the quality and impact of the training. Thank you for taking the time to input into this process. MoreClosed 1 September 2023 -
NIHE Self-Effectiveness Survey: Tenant and Customer Services Committee
This survey seeks to assess Tenant and Customer Services Commitee effectiveness and answer the question: W hat are we as a Committee now doing well and what can we do better ? Your responses will be used to stimulate reflection , discussion and learning. The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating and sharing your views. MoreClosed 4 September 2023 -
Work Experience Programme (WEP) Participants Survey- Post-Placement
The information we collect will be used for statistical monitoring and to assist us to improve programme delivery. Please note all responses are anonymous and confidential. MoreOpened 4 September 2023 -
Work Experience Programme (WEP) Participants Survey- Pre-Placement
The information we collect will be used for statistical monitoring and to assist us to improve programme delivery. Please note all responses are anonymous and confidential. MoreOpened 4 September 2023 -
Good Relations Indicators Readership Survey 2020
The Executive Office publish the Northern Ireland Good Relations Indicators report. We are interested in understanding more about the quality of the publication and how it is used. This is important, as it will help us to provide a high quality service which meets users' needs, Your views are extremely import to us and we thank you in advance for taking part in this feedback survey. MoreClosed 7 September 2023 -
Review of DfE Internal Communications
The purpose of this short survey is to gather feedback on internal communications across the Department. Having used the question guide provided to facilitate discussion with colleagues within your business area please now complete this survey by reporting collated answers. Thank you for your co-operation. MoreClosed 11 September 2023 -
Provision of Free Period Products : Public Consultation
Period inequality contributes to the poor mental health and wellbeing experience of those who are unable to access the basic health essentials of period products. This is a growing issue particularly in light of the increased cost of living. Period products are essential items for personal care to address a normal biological need and should therefore be available to everyone who needs them, regardless of their economic status. To address this gap the Period... MoreClosed 18 September 2023 -
Consultation : Review of List of Specified Offences
The department is consulting on proposals arising from the Review of the List of Specified Offences. This List sets out the serious and violent crimes (including sexual crimes and crimes relating to safeguarding or child protection matters) that are not subject to the AccessNI Filtering Scheme and will always appear on AccessNI standard or enhanced checks. The purpose for the review of the List that has been undertaken by the Department of Justice incorporates the following factors:- •... MoreClosed 25 September 2023 -
Public Appointments Report 19/20; 20/21; 21/22
The Executive Office publish the Public Appointments Report for Northern Ireland: 2019/20; 2020/21; 2021/22. We are interested in understanding more about the quality of the publication and how it is used. This is important, as it will help us to provide a high quality service which meets users' needs, Your views are extremely import to us and we thank you in advance for taking part in this feedback survey. MoreClosed 28 September 2023 -
JobStart Scheme (16-24) Month Five Participant Review
As part of your JobStart opportunity you are required to provide feedback on your progress at set intervals. This second review point is to determine how your JobStart Opportunity is progressing. Please complete this short survey which should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. MoreOpened 2 October 2023 -
Consultation on a Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls & Foundational Action Plan
In total there are 21 questions in this consultation. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Purpose of this consultation: The Executive Office are leading on the development of a Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG). This draft seven-year (2023-2030) Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG), has been co-designed with over 50 stakeholders from across government, community and... MoreClosed 3 October 2023 -
Housing Community Network Survey 2023
As part of its Community Involvement Strategy and to inform the development of an updated strategy for 2023-2027, the Housing Executive would like to gain an understanding of: views on, and satisfaction levels with, its current community involvement structures, policies and procedures; and any barriers to participation and engagement via the existing structures. MoreClosed 6 October 2023 -
Inform You Session - Registration Form - 10X Technologies Workstream
10X Technologies and Clusters by Shane Murphy, Assistant Secretary, International and Economic Relations Group The 10X Economy Vision published in May 2021 highlighted the Department’s goal to focus on technologies and Unique Selling Points (USPs) within priority sectors where Northern Ireland has established strengths, in research and/or industrial capability, and the potential to be globally competitive. Technologies, their application within and across... MoreClosed 6 October 2023 -
Sport NI SportMaker Awards 2023
Sport Northern Ireland is giving the sporting community an opportunity to say “thank you” to local coaches, officials, volunteers and projects, through their 2023 SportMaker Awards. The Sport Northern Ireland SportMaker Awards recognise the outstanding contribution of coaches, officials, volunteers and projects over the previous 12 months and the role they play in encouraging people to benefit from the power of sport. Nominations can be made by members of the public across... MoreClosed 9 October 2023 -
DfC Hybrid Working Impact Survey – NICS Corporate Services Directors
DfC Hybrid Working Impact Survey – NICS Corporate Services Directors This survey will be used to support DfC’s understanding of any positive and negative experiences of Hybrid Working. The data collected will be used for internal papers and reporting but we will of course share anything that CSD Forum members might find beneficial. We will not be reporting benchmarks with individual departments, but may refer to NICS as a... MoreClosed 10 October 2023 -
Post Inspection Survey
This is a survey of Registered Housing Associations which have recently been subject to SHDP/adaptation inspections. MoreClosed 11 October 2023 -
Redeployment Preference Survey
An opportunity for Department for Communities staff potentially impacted by redeployment to express their location preference for new roles. MoreClosed 11 October 2023 -
The Appeals Service (NI) - Online Appeal Application Survey
The Appeals Service (NI) welcomes feedback from Appellants and Representative Groups on their experience of completing an Online Appeal Application. This information will be collated in order to evaluate the overall online application journey, with a view to improving the process where necessary. The information provided in this optional survey will be dealt with in confidence and will only be used by The Appeals Service (NI) in evaluating this online process. MoreOpened 12 October 2023 -
Governance Training session Wednesday 25 October 10am-12pm
Good governance is essential for an organisation to be effective and meet legal requirements. To help support you, the Department for Communities Community Empowerment Division is holding a free online information session to develop and improve our stakeholders governance knowledge. The session is designed to increase your understanding about the role of the committee / board and what is expected of them. It will cover: The role of the committee /... MoreClosed 12 October 2023 -
Northern Ireland School Leavers Statistics – User Survey
The Department of Education publishes annual National Statistics on school leavers in Northern Ireland ( Qualifications and destinations of Northern Ireland school leavers ). These statistics have also, until recently, been published on NINIS and are now available on the new NISRA Data Portal . The purpose of this survey is to help identify the users of these statistics, assess whether the statistics meet their needs, and identify possible areas for improvement. As a user of these... MoreClosed 13 October 2023 -
Perceptions Survey
The Housing Executive is conducting a survey about your perceptions of the Housing Executive in terms of the work that it does and as an employer. Please complete the following questionnaire by selecting the appropriate response. Please give an answer to ALL questions, which apply to you/your organisation. Taking part is voluntary, but we would greatly appreciate your help. The information gathered is confidential and your name or the name of your group will not appear on... MoreClosed 13 October 2023 -
Senior Leadership Forum Evaluation 27 September 2023
Thank you for attending the Senior Leadership Forum yesterday. To support in the development of future Senior Leadership Forums, it would be appreciated if you could complete the short evaluation below. Many thanks People Insight, Engagement and Strategy Team MoreClosed 13 October 2023
593 results.
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