Ukraine Skills and Employment Experience survey

Closed 15 Aug 2023

Opened 18 Jul 2023


We are keen to know more about the skills, qualifications, and employment experience of those who have arrived in Northern Ireland from Ukraine.

The results of the survey will help us to identify issues and inform potential solutions to better help those who want to work, get access to work. The survey is anonymous, and your participation is voluntary. Most questions are optional, so, if you do not want to answer these, you do not have to (these questions have a ‘prefer not to say’ option). Some questions are used for survey routing and answers for these are required. Please answer as many questions as you feel able to, to ensure that your experiences and circumstances are counted. 

Please be assured, taking part in this survey will have no impact upon your or any of your dependants’ current UK immigration status or any future immigration application(s).

Для заповнення опитування українською мовою перейдіть за посиланням нижче.

Опитування щодо навичок та досвіду працевлаштування гостей з України [S&E-UKR] - NI Direct - Citizen Space

We are aware that some of our Ukrainian guests would prefer to respond in the Russian language, and therefore we have provided a Russian translation below and a Russian version of the survey.

Чтобы заполнить опрос на русском языке, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже.

Опрос в области навыков и опыта трудоустройства для граждан Украины [S&E - RUS] - NI Direct - Citizen Space

The survey will close on 15/08/2023.  
Thank you for taking part – the survey will take around 10 to 15 minutes to complete. 


  • Research


  • Language
  • Migration
  • Qualifications
  • Labour Market