Utility Regulator (Support for Decarbonisation Preparation) Bill

Closes 16 Aug 2024

Opened 19 Jun 2024


On 16 December 2021, the Department for the Economy (‘the Department’) published the Northern Ireland Executive’s Energy Strategy – ‘The Path to Net Zero Energy’.

The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (CCA) sets a target of at least 100% reduction in net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Energy accounts for almost 60% of our greenhouse gas emissions.

The Utility Regulator has a key role in supporting the Department in delivering the Energy Strategy and CCA targets. It will play a crucial role in advising the Department in the development of net-zero policies essential to fulfilling the first Climate Budgets (2023-2027).

It is proposed that a new piece of legislation is enacted to enable the Utility Regulator to support the Department in fulfilling its obligations under Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (CCA).

The proposed draft Bill, which is technical in nature, will enable the Utility Regulator to support the Department through the provision of advice, information and assistance in fulfilling its obligations under CCA, and in its role as regulatory advisor in supporting the development of low carbon energy policy.


Why your views matter

The Department would like to hear your views and feedback on the draft Bill.

It is recommended that you read the consultation document 'Utility Support  (Support for Decarbonisation Preparation) Bill prior to completing this questionnaire.

This document can be accessed by clicking the link located below the 'RELATED' heading. 

This consultation is open to a full range of stakeholders and we encourage your participation. 



Give us your views


  • Government Department
  • Local Government
  • Statutory Body
  • Private Sector
  • Research
  • DOJ Staff
  • DFC Staff
  • DFI Staff
  • DoF Staff
  • DE Staff
  • DfE Staff
  • DAERA Staff
  • TEO Staff
  • DOH Staff
  • HSCNI Staff
  • PHA Staff
  • ICT Grades
  • Private Sector
  • Business
  • Industry
  • Councils
  • Energy Consumers
  • Energy Suppliers
  • Electricity Generators
  • Regulatory Agencies
  • Energy Intermediaries
  • Energy Storage Operators
  • Energy Market Participants


  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Environment
  • Consultation