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432 results

  • Public Appointment Competition for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)

    The Department of Education is seeking members for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) More
    Closed 24 July 2024
  • Department for the Economy Evaluation of the 2021-2024 Social Enterprise Work Program delivered by Social Enterprise NI.

    DFE recognises that social enterprises are playing an increasingly positive role within the wider economy and to operate effectively they require ongoing support. From April 2021 to March 2024 DFE developed a wide-ranging social enterprise work programme that had the overall aim of supporting the development and growth of social enterprises. Social enterprise NI was selected as our delivery partner to deliver a series of objectives that supported DFE overall aims. ... More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Fuel Poverty Strategy Workshop Feedback

    Thank you for participating in the recent Department for Communities Fuel Poverty Strategy Workshop. We hope you found participation worthwhile. We are processing the feedback you provided at the sessions. We are keen to receive feedback on your experience of the sessions so that we can hopefully improve and refine the process going forward. To this end we are issuing a short evaluation questionnaire via the link below to all workshop participants. We are using a single questionnaire to... More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Supervision Training - Evaluation (Supervisees)

    This questionnaire will help us gather feedback on any changes you might have noticed over the past 6 months in relation to supervision with your Line Manager. Your support is much appreciated and will help us in evaluating. This should only take about 10min and any extracted comments will be fully anonymised. More
    Closed 8 July 2024
  • NIHE Self-Effectiveness Survey: Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee 2023/24

    This survey seeks to assess Audit, Risk and Assurance Commitee effectiveness and answer the question: W hat are we as a Committee now doing well and what can we do better ? Your responses will be used to stimulate reflection , discussion and learning. The survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating and sharing your views. More
    Closed 8 July 2024
  • Careers Portal

    The Department for the Economy (DfE) is planning to develop a new online Careers Portal to provide citizens with a single digital starting point for Careers related information in Northern Ireland. More
    Closed 5 July 2024
  • Community Involvement and Cohesion Strategy 2024 - 2029 Consultation

    Public Consultation Community Involvement and Cohesion Strategy 2024 - 2029 The Strategy can be viewed at More
    Closed 5 July 2024
  • Newry, Mourne and Down Job Fair 2024 - OUTCOMES

    Thank you for attending our Job Fair on Friday 24 th May 2024 in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry. As detailed in the exhibitor guidance issued to you prior to the event, it is vital that we gather outcomes. This allows us to evaluate the success of the job fair and shape future events. Please could you complete the Employer Outcomes Form (link below) before it closes on 3rd July 2024. Failure to do so may impact attendance at future events. ... More
    Closed 3 July 2024
  • Review of Tenancy Fraud Processes

    It remains the unfortunate case that some publicly funded housing in Northern Ireland is being occupied by individuals and families who are not entitled to be there. This fraudulent activity deprives families in most need of a home and creates additional costs for the taxpayer. Much good work is carried out by Housing Associations and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to tackle tenancy fraud. The Social Housing Policy team within the Department for Communities is now undertaking a... More
    Closed 3 July 2024
  • ESA Application Form June 2024

    How to claim You can submit a claim to New Style Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) online by following the link below. Entitlement to New Style ESA is dependent on your National Insurance record. For more information on the entitlement conditions, please visit NI Direct . You can ask a friend or relative or an organisation that you know and trust to help you. Alternatively you can contact ESA for help on 0800 085 6318. If you have speech or... More
    Closed 30 June 2024
  • NI Policing Board Community Policing Survey 2024

    The Policing Board is interested in seeking your views around policing in your community and also any experience you have of engaging with the PSNI. We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey which will help us inform the Policing Plan, in particular, to deliver Measure 3.1.3 to assess and evaluate the impact of partnership working with local communities. Any information or comments you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. No... More
    Closed 30 June 2024
  • EA Quality Improvement Session Evaluation

    Employer Advisor Quality Improvement Sessions - Evaluation 2024 More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Copy of PPS Foyle Event 26 June 2024

    Thank you for attending this FSNI forensic awareness session. We would appreciate your time (2 mins) to complete some feedback online. More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Copy of PPS Belfast Event 24 June 2024

    Thank you for attending this FSNI forensic awareness session. We would appreciate your time (2 mins) to complete some feedback online. More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Post Survey Questions - Supporting Migrant and Refugee Customers CBE

    Thank you for attending the Capacity Building Event “Supporting migrant and refugee customers” organised by the Work Psychology Service. We are asking attendees to complete a short survey post session to help inform future planning and development. The survey should take no longer than three minutes to complete. It is voluntary and no personal data will be collected. All responses will be anonymous. Your participation is greatly appreciated. More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Pre-Survey Questions - Supporting Migrant and Refugee Customers CBE

    Thank you for registering to attend the Capacity Building Event “Supporting migrant and refugee customers” organised by the Work Psychology Service. We are asking attendees to complete a short survey prior to the session to help inform future planning and development. The survey should take no longer than three minutes to complete. It is voluntary and no personal data will be collected. All responses will be anonymous. Your participation is... More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • PPS Newry Event 19 June 2024

    Thank you for attending this FSNI forensic awareness session. We would appreciate your time (2 mins) to complete some feedback online. More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Survey on Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Northern Ireland

    The recruitment and retention of qualified teachers in certain subjects have become increasingly difficult across Northern Ireland. Whilst the Department acknowledges this trend, we currently lack concrete data to accurately assess the extent and impact of this issue. The Department therefore now wishes to undertake a comprehensive survey across all schools in Northern Ireland. The primary aim of this survey is to gather precise information on the challenges schools are... More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • User acceptance testing for DSRS round 2

    This consultation is for staff who have completed User acceptance testing on the newly developed Discretionary Support Recovery System. Please complete all questions honestly and with as much detail as necessary. Remember all feedback is welcome including suggestions for improvements. More
    Closed 27 June 2024
  • Call for Evidence for Civil Society - Foundational Review of Civil Legal Services

    The Department of Justice is conducting a review of civil legal aid in Northern Ireland. Access to an efficient, effective and responsive legal aid service is a vital component of any democratic society. The purpose of this review is to examine currently funded civil legal services and, where relevant, make recommendations for reform. More
    Closed 25 June 2024
  • Call for Evidence for Legal Practitioners (Judiciary, Solicitors (in private or public practice), Barristers)

    The Department of Justice (DoJ) is conducting a review of civil legal aid in Northern Ireland. The current annual spend for civil legal aid is approximately £50m. At various points in their lives, people will need support with issues they face that have a legal dimension. Access to efficient, effective, and responsive help in these circumstances is essential to enabling people to secure their rights in a democratic society. Under the Access to Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 ... More
    Closed 25 June 2024
  • DoJ Executive Officer Mentoring Circles Programme - Mentee Expression of Interest

    DoJ is launching a Mentoring Circles Programme for Executive Officers. We are seeking volunteers from staff at EO grade who want to join a mentoring circle as a Mentee to learn and grow through sharing their collective experiences and insights. More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • DoJ EO Mentoring Circles Programme - Mentor Expression of Interest

    DoJ is launching a Mentoring Circles Programme for Executive Officers. We are seeking volunteers from staff at Staff Officer and Deputy Principal grade who want to join a mentoring circle as a Mentor to guide colleagues through sharing their collective experiences and insights. More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • Careers Service Software for Autistic People

    The Department for the Economy’s Careers Service offers impartial and personalised advice and guidance to people of all ages in Northern Ireland, and this is provided by professionally qualified Careers Advisers. We want to help young people with decisions about subject choices when you are at school and we can help with advice and guidance on how to find a college or university course, an apprenticeship, start training or finding a job. We offer advice and... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • Call for Evidence for Children and Young People - Foundational Review of Civil Legal Aid

    The Department of Justice is seeking the views of children and young people who may have needed to get legal advice for an issue or help in court. Please only complete this Call for Evidence if you are below the age of 18. If you are aged 18 and above, please complete the Call for Evidence for Civil Society which can be accessed via: Call for Evidence for Civil Society - Foundational Review of Civil Legal Services - NI Direct - Citizen Space If you or your family... More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • CSG Hybrid Information Session

    This survey is to gauge interest in a CSG Hybrid Information Session to answer any further questions you might have. More
    Closed 21 June 2024
  • Student Survey Questionnaire - Law

    A fundamental review of criminal legal aid commenced on 1 October 2023. The review is being led by His Honour Tom Burgess CBE. Judge Burgess has extensive practical experience working within the justice system (as Belfast Recorder, High Court Judge and as a Parole Commissioner) and was also a Non-Executive Member of the Legal Services Agency Board. The scope of the review includes the full range of criminal work, from PACE interviews, through extension of detention... More
    Closed 19 June 2024
  • DoJ Internal Communications Survey 2024

    Each year, you provide valuable feedback that enables us to make improvements to Internal Communications channels and we once again ask for your views. Current DoJ Internal Communications activities At present you receive the weekly ‘What You Might Have Missed’ email which gives an overview of the intranet stories, press releases, staff emails and vacancies from the previous week. The Team Brief is sent to Grade 5s each month with the aim that it is discussed during team... More
    Closed 14 June 2024
  • Vehicle Recovery, Storage and Disposal Statutory Charges Review - Northern Ireland A Public Consultation

    Foreword by the Minister of Justice Government departments, police, local councils and others authorised to act on their behalf all have powers to remove, store and dispose of vehicles in certain circumstances. These include, for example, where a vehicle is being driven without insurance, has been left in a place causing an obstruction or danger to others, or is in contravention of certain prohibitions or restrictions. When these powers are exercised, the relevant authority is... More
    Closed 13 June 2024
  • G6/7 Forum questionnaire

    The G6/7 Forum is meeting on the 13th June in Stranmillis to which invites have issued to all G7's and G6's in the group. This initial meeting will include two different sessions, one about leadership within SEG, and the other about developing actions to address the themes that came out of the culture discussions from both the Stranmillis session and the Away day. More
    Closed 12 June 2024
432 results. Page 1 of 15