Truth Recovery Independent Panel Permanent Archive Consultation

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Closes 20 Mar 2025

About You

Privacy, Confidentiality and Access to Consultation Responses

Following consultation and to support transparency in our decision-making process, the content of responses to this consultation may be made public (subject to our moderation policy). Those responding in a private capacity may choose to remain anonymous. The Truth Recovery Independent Panel may list the names of those groups / organisations who responded to the consultation on its website.

The Truth Recovery Independent Panel is committed to protecting your privacy. For more information about what we do with your personal data please see our Privacy Notice.

1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. Would you like to remain anonymous?
4. Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of a group / an organisation?
5. Are you someone who was admitted to (please tick all that apply):
6. Are you someone who was (please select all that apply)
7. Please select your age range.
8. What religious background were you brought up in?
9. What is your sex?
10. Is the gender you identify with the same as #your sex registered at birth?
11. What is your ethnic group? (Choose one option which best describes your ethnic group or background)