Housing Community Network Survey 2023

Closed 6 Oct 2023

Opened 24 May 2023


As part of its Community Involvement Strategy and to inform the development of an updated strategy for 2023-2027, the Housing Executive would like to gain an understanding of:


  • views on, and satisfaction levels with, its current community involvement structures, policies and procedures; and
  • any barriers to participation and engagement via the existing structures. 


Why your views matter

This survey will be used to help the Housing Executive improve services and build upon the existing Housing Community Network (HCN) structures to continue giving communities the best possible services.  It builds on a previous survey, which was carried out in 2019/2020.


Taking part is voluntary, but we would greatly appreciate your help.  The information gathered is confidential and the name of your group will not appear on any records associated with it.  The Housing Executive is committed to protecting your personal information and we take this responsibility seriously.  We comply with all the principles of GDPR, and you can find our data protection information at www.nihe.gov.uk/About-Us/Data-Protection.  In addition, our full privacy notice is available at www.nihe.gov.uk/Documents/Corporate/Privacy-Notice.aspx?ext=.

The survey is to be completed by a Community Champion/Village Voice or a relevant representative of each residents’/community group, on behalf of their group


  • All Stakeholders


  • Research