Community Safety Strategy 2025 - 2030 Consultation

Closed 30 Sep 2024

Opened 8 Jul 2024


Consultation on our Draft Community Safety Strategy 2025-2030

Closing date: 30th September 2024

The consultation will run for 12 weeks, from 8th July, 2024 up to 30th September, 2024 and we want to hear from you.

Our draft strategy has been carefully created. Our strategic view of Building Safer Communities Together, adopts a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to addressing anti-social behaviour through engaging with residents, fostering collaborative partnerships and utilising evidence-based interventions. The Housing Executive is committed to fostering a culture of mutual respect, responsibility, and pride within its social housing communities.

Our strategic priorities are:

Building community confidence - The Housing Executive will work to build community confidence in the ability of the organisation to tackle ASB effectively. 

Ensuring local solutions - The Housing Executive will ensure that all our efforts to tackle ASB are relevant to the needs of local communities. 

Working together- The Housing Executive will work closely with other agencies to improve community safety in our estates.

We want to listen to your views and give you the chance to help shape our strategy and services. 

You can access the draft strategy from the link below:

Draft Community Safety Strategy 2025-2030 (


Why your views matter

The Housing Executive welcomes any comments you wish to make on all of the proposals or just on those issues that are of particular interest to you in the consultation.

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Confidentiality of Consultations

The Housing Executive will publish a summary of responses following completion of the consultation process. Your response, and all other responses to the consultation, may be disclosed on request. The Housing Executive can only refuse to disclose information in exceptional circumstances. Before you submit your response, please read the paragraphs below on the confidentiality of consultations and they will give you guidance on the legal position about any information given by you in response to this consultation.

The Freedom of Information Act gives the public the public a right of access to any information held by a public authority, namely the Housing Executive in this case. This right of access to information includes information provided in response to a consultation. However, it does have the responsibility to decide whether any information provided by you in response to this consultation, including information about your identity should be made public or treated as confidential, although this will also be guided by Data Protection legislation.

The means that information provided by you in response to the consultation is unlikely to be treated as confidential, except in very particular circumstances. The Lord Chancellor’s Code of Practice on the Freedom of Information Act provides that:

  • The Housing Executive should only accept information from third parties in confidence if it is necessary to obtain that information in connection with the exercise of any of the Housing Executive’s functions and it would not otherwise be provided.
  • The Housing Executive should not agree to hold information received from third parties ‘in confidence’ which is not confidential in nature.
  • Acceptance by the Housing Executive of confidentiality provisions must be for good reasons, capable of being justified to the Information Commissioner.

For further information about confidentiality of responses please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (or see the website at:


  • All stakeholders


  • Research