Questionnaire – Management of Legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems.

Closes 27 Mar 2025

Opened 20 Feb 2025


During 2025, HSENI inspectors will be conducting a series of visits to selected premises in relation to the management of Legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems. Visits will take place to buildings that provide facilities for vulnerable populations and/or the general public.

The initial phase of this initiative will assess compliance with legislative requirements by way of an electronic questionnaire. This questionnaire will provide an early indication of the measures your organisation currently has in place to manage the risk of Legionella bacteria in your water system.

You are requested to complete the following questions. To complete this questionnaire, you may be required to talk to other people who are involved in the day-to-day management of your water system, as well as perhaps your organisation’s health and safety officer or your water treatment company, if involved.

Questionnaires should be completed online before 27th March 2025.

Further information and guidance on managing the risk of Legionella bacteria in hot and cold water systems can be found at

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