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Public Consultation on proposals for enhanced remuneration for providers of legal services
Page 1 of 34
27 Mar 2025
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Information about you
1. Please let us know whether you are responding as an individual, a Solicitor or Barrister, or on behalf of a regulatory body, or other organisation.
Solicitor working in private practice
Solicitor working in public practice
Solicitor working within the community and voluntary sector
Regulatory Body - The Law Society of Northern Ireland
Regulatory Body - The Bar Council of Northern Ireland
As a Solicitors' Association
A Bar Association
Community and Voluntary Organisation
Other organisation
If you answered 'Other' please provide details below
2. What is your name?
This field is voluntary if you are responding as an individual.
3. If you are responding as a Solicitor, Barrister or on behalf of an organisation, please let us know the name of your place of employment or organisation. As Barristers are self-employed, they may wish to give the 'Bar of NI' as a suitable response for this question.
Place of employment
4. What is your organisational email address?
If you are responding as a Solicitor, Barrister or on behalf of an organisation, or wish to be contacted about this consultation, please provide your email address.
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