Woodlands Satisfaction Survey (wef 01 Feb 2020 - 2nd Response)

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Closes 31 Dec 2040


1. Name of Young Person
2. Date
3. Religion
4. Status of Young Person
5. How would you rate your experience in Woodlands?
6. How would you rate your relationship with your keyworker?
7. If you answered 'Poor' or 'Very poor' to questions 5 or 6, please provide a reason for your answer(s)
8. Do you feel that your keyworker includes you in decisions?
9. Has Woodlands supported or helped you with any of the following? (Please tick all that apply)
10. What makes you feel safe in Woodlands?
11. Do you feel your placement in Woodlands will help you avoid further reoffending?
12. Please provide any comments or recommendations on how we can improve our services to young people