ASG Customer Satisfaction Survey 2025
The Analytical Services Group (ASG) in the Department of Justice produces a range of statistics relating to crime and justice in Northern Ireland.
This customer survey is vital to how we can understand your needs and how we can best meet demand.
We are encouraging responses from everyone interested in crime statistics, including from government, policing bodies, victim groups, voluntary and charities, civil society organisations and academia.
The survey includes questions on our current publications and an opportunity for you to give us your own ideas and views.
Information provided by you will be held and used for the purposes of the administration of this survey and will be subsequently disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation.
What we will do
We will listen to all you tell us and, where it is possible and practical, we will aim to implement changes to our publications and our interactions with customers. Unfortunately, it won't always be possible to do everything we would like to but if you provide your email address, we will let you know what we could do.
What happens next
Thank you for your comments. We will use them to identify areas of improvement as well as to celebrate the things we have done well.
The results of the survey will be available on the website: Department of Justice Statistics and Research
- Government Department
- Local Government
- Statutory Body
- Private Sector
- Research
- Charity, Community and Voluntary
- Utility
- Press/media
- Community safety
- Criminal justice
- Crime
- Courts
- Staff Engagement
- Customer Service Excellence
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