Design considerations for a Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan
Closed 19 Apr 2024
Opened 17 Jan 2024
Nigel Morris
Wholesale Electricity and Markets
Extended Consultation Period:
The Department has received requests to extend this consultation. In order to support well-considered responses, the Department has extended the close of the consultation period by one week, from Friday 12 April, to Friday 19 April, 23:59
The Department for the Economy (DfE) is seeking stakeholders' views on the shape of Northern Ireland’s future Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan for our energy systems. The SSFP is a path forward for the policy developments needed to deliver the Executive’s Energy Strategy, and the energy side of the Climate Change Act decarbonisation targets.
Northern Ireland (NI) will need to transform its energy system, and especially its elecricity system to deliver the net zero targets in the Executive's Energy Strategy and the Climate Change Act 2023.
The SSFP will set the pathway forward for the energy system policies which NI will need to achieve its net zero targets.
Throughout this consultation there are a number of links to other useful websites and documents. You can right click the link and select open in a new tab so that you can move between the consultation and new link or you can double click the link to open and should press the back arrow on your browser to return to your consultation.
Why your views matter
Energy affects everyone. This is especially true in NI where we have significant heating needs. We currently rely on fossil fuels to give us heat, power and transport. We will need to transform our energy system, so this will affect everyone in NI, and thus our plan for the path forward to achieve our net zero targets will affect everyone.
With such a broad effect it is important that we (the Department) receive the views of NI citizens and energy consumers to ensure that the transition to a new, renewables based, smart and flexible energy system is just and fair, and that it achieves all of our aims in a sufficiently timely manner.
What happens next
DfE will use the reults of this consultation to design a Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan. DfE intends to consult with the Working Group which it has set up for the SSFP, on the results of this consultation, and intends then to consult publicly on the final proposed draft of the SSFP.
DfE intends that the final draft of the proposed SSFP will be available for consultation in the summer of 2024.
- Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
- The Path to Net Zero Energy. Safe. Affordable. Clean
- Energy Strategy - Path to Net Zero Energy - Action Plan
- Energy Strategy - Path to Net Zero Energy. Action Plan 2023
- Energy in Northern Ireland 2022 (
- Investigating the skills required for a transition to an advanced zero emission, indigenous diverse energy secure and circular economy in Northern Ireland - Summary Report (
- 2023 Energy Strategy Action Plan
- Transitioning to a net zero energy system: Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan 2021
- Northern Ireland Smart Meters - Cost Benefit Analysis Report (
- Smart meters update | Department for the Economy (
- Directive 2019/944 on common rules for the internal market for electricity
- Electricity Regulation 2019/943 recast
- Network Codes Home (
- Proposals for a Future System Operator role - GOV.UK (
- Future System Operator: second policy consultation and project update - GOV.UK (
- Review of the security of energy supply of Ireland’s electricity and natural gas systems
- Decision on the funding of the transition to a Future System Operator (
- Transmission Interface Arrangements | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (
- 2022-07-06 RP7 final Approach Document final.pdf (
- RP7-business-plan-april-2023
- Smart systems and flexibility plan 2021: Appendix II - Smart systems and flexibility plan monitoring framework (
- Octoplus Saving Sessions | Octopus Energy
- Household engagement with the Demand Flexibility Service 2022/23
- Energy "One Stop Shop" - consultation on policy options
- The Housing Executive - Welcome to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive website (
- Energy Strategy - Path to Net Zero Energy. Action Plan 2023
- UR Protecting Consumers
- Beat the Peak - Overview (
- National Grid ESO and Octopus Energy launch trial to unleash demand flexibility this winter | ESO
- First Demand Flexibility Service test event to take place tomorrow night
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- Northern Ireland Smart Meters - Cost Benefit Analysis Report
- Smart meters update | Department for the Economy
- Girona | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (
- Rulet | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (
- UU Smart Meter Report
- LineVision Partners with Northern Ireland Electricity Networks - YouTube
- National Grid in the UK Is Saving Customers Millions and Increasing Grid Reliability with LineVision – You Tube
- NIEN RP7-business-plan-full-april-2023
- NET_E_KS_633 LV Monitors Decision
- Energy Act 2023
- Delivering a smart and secure electricity system: Government response
- UK National Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Discussion document and Pre-consultation on next steps - revision A published 11 October 2023 (
- Western Power - Equinox heat pump trial
- Heating controls - Energy Saving Trust
- Delivering a smart and secure electricity system: the interoperability and cyber security of energy smart appliances and remote load control
- Delivering a smart and secure electricity system: Government response
- Energy in Northern Ireland 2022 -
- rp7-business-plan-full-report-april-2023
- Get the latest news updates from your network company | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (
- The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021 (
- Electric vehicle smart charging action plan (
- UK electric vehicle infrastructure strategy - GOV.UK (
- The Public Charge Point Regulations 2023
- Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Action Plan for Northern Ireland
- Call for Evidence - Electricity Connection Policy Review | Utility Regulator
- Energy performance of buildings (recast)
- Lights stay on despite cyber-attack on UK's electricity system | Energy industry | The Guardian
- Cyber attack shuts down U.S. fuel pipeline ‘jugular,’ Biden briefed | Reuters
- Network Code on Cybersecurity (
- Revised_Protocol_to_the_Withdrawal_Agreement
- The Network and Information Systems Regulations 2018
- Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022
- NI Cyber Security Centre
- Secure by Design
- Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security
- Consultation on regulatory proposals on consumer IoT security
- Article 2(11) of the Electricity Directive
- Article 16 - enabling regulatory framework for CECs
- Flexibility Procurement Statement (
- System Services Future Arrangements High Level Design
- Shaping Our Electricity Future Roadmap: Version 1.1
- Tomorrow’s Energy Scenarios 2023 Consultation Report (
- Long Duration Eenergy Storage-Call-for-Evidence-SONI
- BEIS Regional Spreadsheets 2003-2020
- GameChanger-ESI-Report-May2022-
- The Gas (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (
- Review of Regional Strategic Planning Policy on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy
- Moyle Interconnector - Mutual Energy
- SONI North South Interconnector
- Interconnection (
- Greenlink Interconnector | energy infrastructure | Ireland and Wales
- Celtic-Interconnector-Project-PCI-Information-Brochure
- Interconnector Policy Review - Decision | Ofgem
- Interconnector policy review: Working paper for Workstream 1 – review of the cap and floor regime | Ofgem
- - National Policy Statement on Electricity Interconnection 2023 (
- Impacts of Increased Electricity Interconnection
- Network Options Assessment for Interconnectors | National Grid ESO
- Gas - Mutual Energy (
- Second Interconnector (
- Government boost for new renewable energy storage technologies
- NZTC-Hydrogen-Backbone-Link-Brochure
- Green hydrogen-based E-fuels (E-methane, E-methanol, E-ammonia) to support clean energy transition: A literature review - ScienceDirect
- Fuel Cell Basics | Department of Energy
- Hydrogen Fuel Cells Fact Sheet (
- LVANM Low Voltage Active Network Management
- Energy Networks Association (ENA) - The voice of the networks
- Open Networks: developing the smart grid - Energy Networks Association
- Open Data Portal | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (
- Open data strategy for Northern Ireland 2020 - 2023 | Department of Finance
- Digitalising our energy system for net zero: strategy and action plan 2021 (
- Energy Data Taskforce | A Modern Digitalised Energy System (
- Demand Flexibility Service | National Grid ESO -
- Western Power - Flexibility tender
- Our launch of GB's first USEF flexibility market - SP Energy Networks
- UKPN-Flex-Tender-December-2022
- Dashboard - Piclo Flex
- Demand Flexibility Service - Guaranteed Acceptance Price
- Flexibility-Post-Tender-Report-Aug-2022
- Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation | Department for the Economy (
- Consultation on Design Considerations for a Renewable Electricity Support Scheme for Northern Ireland (
- Rethinking Electricity Markets – The case for EMR 2.0 - Energy Systems Catapult
- RTFO Compliance Guidance
- System Services Future Arrangements Scoping Paper | SEM Committee
- DS3 System Services Procurement Design and Emerging Thinking
- System Services Future Arrangements High Level Design Decision Paper
- Flexibility Procurement Statement (
- Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) | Ofgem
- Article 12(5)(d) of the Energy Order 2003 The Energy (Northern Ireland) Order 2003 (
- Innovation Projects | Northern Ireland Electricity Networks
- Investigating the skills required for a transition to an advanced zero emission, indigenous diverse energy secure and circular economy in Northern Ireland - Summary Report (
- 2023 Energy Strategy Action Plan
- Citizens
- Business
- Energy Consumers
- Energy Consumers
- Energy Suppliers
- Electricity Generators
- Regulatory Agencies
- Energy Intermediaries
- Energy Storage Operators
- Energy Market Participants
- Services and programmes
- Electricity Generation
- Electricity Networks
- Energy Storage
- Energy Markets
- Policy Development
- NI
- Energy
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