Inform You Session - Registration Form - A Covid Counterfactual: What if Government had not provided support?
A Covid Counterfactual: What if Government had not provided support?
Gareth Hetherington MBE, Director of UUEPC; and Dr. Eoin Magennis, Senior Economist at UUEPC
At the session UUEPC Director Gareth Hetherington MBE and Senior Economist Dr Eoin Magennis will present the findings of UUEPC’s recent Covid Counterfactual Research which considers a range of potential impacts that the Covid-19 pandemic
To register your interest in attending please complete this short registration form. Following registration we will issue an email containing the WebEx link to the session. In the event that the session is oversubscribed we will update you.
Please note that the closing date for registration is Thursday 28th March 2023 .
Thank you
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