Work Experience Programme (WEP) Participants Survey- Pre-Placement

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Closes 1 Apr 2027

About you:

1. Are you currently claiming benefits?
2. If in receipt of benefits, please select your local Jobs and Benefits office below
3. What is your age group?
4. Please provide the name of the business you will be completing your Work Experience placement with.
5. What is the start of your postcode? Eg. BT6, BT13,
6. How long has it been since your last employment?
7. What are your reasons for applying for the Work Experience placement? Please choose all that apply
8. Which work skills do you hope to gain during the placement? Please choose all that apply.
9. At this point (the start of your work experience) how much would you agree or disagree with the following two statements:
10. Do you currently have an up-to-date CV?
11. Finally, how did you hear about the Work Experience Programme?