Showcase Event at MAC March 2025

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Closes 22 Apr 2025


1. What is your name?
2. What is your email address?
3. What is your organisation? (if applicable)
4. Are there currently opportunities to showcase your work like this in Northern Ireland?
5. Did you feel this was a good opportunity to showcase your work?
6. Did you feel you were able to:
7. What would you rate the suitability of the following:
8. Do you feel that ACNI should run more showcases like this?
9. What would you suggest to improve this event? (open text)
There is a limit of 5000 characters
There is a limit of 5000 characters
10. Is there anything else you would like to add to the feedback?
There is a limit of 5000 characters
There is a limit of 5000 characters