People & Place Strategy for Northern Ireland Locality Co-Design Session 1 survey

Closed 1 Sep 2022

Opened 20 Jun 2022


This questionnaire represents a key step in developing the successor to the the Department for Communities People and Place Strategy for Northern Ireland to cover the next ten years and beyond.

The current “People and Place – A strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal” was launched in 2003, to address poverty and social exclusion in those urban neighbourhoods suffering the highest levels of deprivation. You can see the current Strategy, at Neighbourhood Renewal - People and Place | Department for Communities (

In February 2020, Minister Hargey publicly committed to a comprehensive and strategic review of the current People and Place Strategy.

The strategy is now 20 years old and significant changes have transpired over that period, including the recognition that better collective and joined up working is needed across central and local government, the community and voluntary sector and businesses.

Arrangements are now in place to accelerate the review, using an inclusive Co-design approach with a range of stakeholders, both urban and rural, in all 11 council areas across Northern Ireland.  Over the coming months we intend to host a range of Locality Co-design workshops in each council area to hear the views of local people. 

The review and strategy development process will take place over the coming months with workshops every couple of months in each council area.  You will have other opportunities to input your ideas as this process evolves, including the opportunity to comment on the specifics of the draft strategy and action plan in due course. 

The slides from workshop 1 are available here.

Why co-design?

We will develop this new strategy through a co-design approach.  Co-design is a way of planning that puts local people and their experiences right at the centre of the planning process alongside government, voluntary and community group representatives as well as businesses.  We will actively engage and bring together people from a wide range of sectors, to draw together their collective experiences to help design a strategy and its implementation action plan which will deliver for those communities and people most in need.

We have started the conversation within your council area by establishing a Locality Co-design Group which includes local government, local statutory and local community organisations.

We very much want you to be part of this conversation and to add your voice and input based on the experience of your community and the issues faced by those for whom the Strategy will deliver. 

As such, we would like your input to inform and shape the new Strategy to improve how to address objective need and to tackle deprivation as it affects both people and places.

This online survey will ask the same questions that were posed at the Locality Co-design Group Session 1 in your council area so that we hear the opinions of the broadest cross-section people from across each council area.

What happens next

The outputs from these online surveys along with other co-design outputs will provide a comprehensive, rich and up to date evidence base to support the development of the new strategy.


Your response will be anonymous and will be treated in confidence.


  • Citizens


  • Consultation