Consultation – Employment Support Scheme Cessation of Funding - Equality Impact Assessment
The Department for Communities (DfC) is facing a constrained financial position as a result of the recent budget allocation. In response to this DfC is considering an option to cease funding the Employment Support Scheme. This Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) consultation is seeking views and comments from interested parties on the potential equality implications arising from this option.
This survey allows stakeholders to give their views on the cessation of funding for the Employment Support Scheme - the full consultation is available on the Department for Communities website at
Why your views matter
The Department for Communities is committed to seeking the views of those who are affected by the decisions that it will make in relation to the possible cessation of funding for the Employment Support Scheme. We are keen to seek the views of individuals and organisations on the equality implications of the decisions proposed and any mitigations that DfC could put in place.
If you are unable to complete the survey online, please contact us by email at:
Or write to us:
Health and Work Support Branch
Department for Communities
Level 3
Causeway Exchange
1-7 Bedford Street
What happens next
Responses received by xx xxxx 2024 will be used to inform DfC’s final decision on the cessation of funding for the Employment Support Scheme.
- All stakeholders
- Employment
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