Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme 2025

Closed 3 Mar 2025

Opened 3 Feb 2025


Líofa aims to encourage as many people as possible to make a personal
pledge to improve their Irish, and in doing so, to join a community of likeminded people focused on learning and using the language.

Líofa’s Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme provides practical support to Líofa
participants. It offers the opportunity for eligible applicants, irrespective of
tradition and background, to be able to attend an Irish-language summer
college, and experience the Irish language in all aspects of daily life.

• A parent or guardian must make the application on behalf of applicants
under 18 years old.

A Líofa Bursary application does not secure a place on a course. You must
reserve a place directly with your college of choice or through your child’s school. Colleges will refund deposits directly to unsuccessful applicants.

• Course dates and details are available on www.liofa.eu (Gaeltacht Colleges), directly from participating college websites and from pupils’ Irish teachers.  The bursary covers course fees, travel and accommodation (and activities for children’s courses).


Eligibility Criteria

All three of the below criteria must be satisfied for your application to be considered.

Applications are invited from young people aged (12–18) and adults (18+) who:

1. are already signed up to Líofa (you can do this at www.líofa.eu);

2. reside in Northern Ireland; and

3. receive at least one of the benefits listed below:


  • Free school meals 
  • Income Support 
  • Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income related Employment & Support Allowance
  • Guarantee element of state pension credit
  • Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit;
  • Universial credit 


  • if you are an Asylum seeker supported by the Home Office Support Assessment Team (ASATR)



  • Citizens


  • Bursaries