ACNI Arts and Older People (AOP) End of Project Report
- This questionnaire is to be completed by the lead delivery organisation at the end of your Arts and Older People project
- All questions may not apply to your project, if a question does not apply to your project, then please leave it blank
- The response to these questions will be used by ACNI to evidence the impact of this programme. Some information will be aggregated, some will be used verbatim. Responses may be shared with an external project evaluator; they may be in touch with you if they require any clarifications
- If you have any questions about completing this form, please contact Graeme Stevenson (
- When you have submitted this form please also complete the income and expenditure spreadsheet for your project. Lorraine Calderwood will have provided you with this, please return it to her via her email address (
- Voluntary and Community Sector
- NI
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