Questionnaire for Joint Inspection of Child Protection Arrangements
Dear Designated Teacher
Together Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI), Education and Training Inspectorate (ETI), and the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) are piloting an inspection of child protection arrangements.
The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of multi-agency working and arrangements, when child protection referrals are made which involve the police or youth justice system and social services, and to include the role of schools and education.
We are asking you, as a Designated Teacher, to complete this short questionnaire about your experiences of working with a range of agencies in order to make child protection referrals and to help protect and support children and young people in your school.
Your views are very important and will let us know what works well and what could be improved.
Your views will be treated in confidence and the information you provide will not be used to identify you or your school. Your responses to this questionnaire will be collated and will inform a short, published report.
We really value your views and the time you have given to complete this questionnaire.
- Teachers
- Post-Primary Education
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