Digital Admissions - Post-Primary Satisfaction Survey 2021
As a Parent/Guardian who applied for a Post Primary Year 8 place for September 2021, you are being asked to take part in the Education Authority’s (EA) Satisfaction Survey.
The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete and is an important exercise as it helps us to understand the experience of parents who used the online application process. Feedback from the survey will be used to help us evaluate and improve this service.
Please note, that your responses will be confidential and anonymous. No personal information is being collected, the results are not shared and will not in any way affect whether or not your child is admitted to any of the settings you have applied to.
What happens next
EA wishes to create a parent forum to gather feedback and views from parents on future digital services. If you would like to be considered for this please email:
- Parents
- Post-Primary Education
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