Year 7 EOTAS pupil questionnaire: keeping safe and healthy

Closed 8 Apr 2022

Opened 15 Mar 2022


 Dear Pupil

We are asking you to complete this questionnaire as we want to know your views about how you are learning to keep safe.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Your views are very important and will let us know what works well and what could be improved. Other information you provide will not be used to identify you or your centre.

You will need to enter your C2k email address and it should take around 20 minutes to complete.  

Please read each question carefully and then where there is a choice, select the option which you think is best for you.  If you need any help to read or understand the questions, the staff in your centre will help you.

Your views will be treated in confidence. Remember that if you are unhappy or have an urgent concern, you can speak with your centre’s Designated Teacher who will help you.   You can also phone Childline free on 0800 1111.

Your responses to this questionnaire will be used to write a report about safeguarding in centres and schools.

Thank you for completing the questionnaire.




  • Pupils


  • Primary Education