Closed Consultations

467 results

  • PPS Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Stalking

    This is a public consultation by the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland (PPS) to seek your views on our new policy for prosecuting cases of stalking. The policy document can be accessed here: PPS Policy for Prosecuting Cases of Stalking (June 2024) The purpose of this policy is to explain the PPS’s approach in taking prosecutorial decisions in respect of stalking, as well as the assistance available to support victims and witnesses... More
    Closed 6 September 2024
  • RCU Event 28th August 2024

    Thank you for attending this FSNI forensic awareness session. We would appreciate your time (2 mins) to complete some feedback online. More
    Closed 6 September 2024
  • Baseline Survey - Landlord Registration Scheme

    All landlords of private tenancies in NI are required to register with the Landlord Registration Scheme (LRS) . The Department has designed a baseline survey to capture information from landlords and letting agents on the current service provision, including online registration and guidance. This information is intended to inform thinking about current levels of satisfaction with the service and what, if any, changes can be made to improve future service provision. ... More
    Closed 4 September 2024
  • EQIA on DfC Budget for 2024-25

    In order to comply with its obligations under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the Department has undertaken an equality impact assessment on its allocation as outlined in the NI Budget 2024-25. The Budget 2024-25 was announced by the Finance Minister on 25 April 2024. More
    Closed 3 September 2024
  • Trainee Careers Adviser Level 6 Pilot Programme - 3 Month Review

    As you are aware you are on a Trainee Careers Adviser (TCA) Level 6 Pilot Programme within DfE’s Careers Service which aims to train and educate members of staff to become qualified and competent Careers Practitioners. This survey is being conducted by the Careers Service Quality Assurance and Inclusion Team to help evaluate and improve the current pilot and potential future programmes. This is the first formal feedback issued from the Team; we plan to gather... More
    Closed 31 August 2024
  • HSENI Health Surveillance Survey

    The Manufacturing Team within HSENI will soon be conducting a new inspection initiative focusing on "Health Surveillance". In advance of this initiative which is due to commence in 2025, a survey is being conducted to gather information about the current status of Health Surveillance in the workplace across the manufacturing industry in Northern Ireland. More
    Closed 31 August 2024
  • Work & Health Group Hybrid Working Sessions

    The Work and Health Group are holding sessions to help ensure that there is a consistent approach to implementing hybrid working. Compulsory face to face sessions for staff at SO, DP, G7 and G6 have been planned for the afternoon of Tuesday 10 September 2024 at Craigavon Civic Centre and the morning of Friday 13 September 2024 in Crumlin Road Gaol. More
    Closed 30 August 2024
  • NIAA2025 Application Information Session - Registration

    Select a session to attend. These will cover: Eligibility rules Tips for creating a competitive application Using the new online submission portal Q&A More
    Closed 28 August 2024
  • Call for Evidence: Developing Biomethane Production in Northern Ireland

    Biomethane, a carbon neutral renewable gas which can be produced locally, could contribute to both decarbonising and growing the Northern Ireland economy. Research has indicated that, due to our large agricultural sector, we have significant biomethane potential. The challenge is to develop an effective policy framework which could unlock the biomethane economy and help the sector to become economically viable without long-term subsidies. This Call for Evidence is... More
    Closed 23 August 2024
  • Utility Regulator (Support for Decarbonisation Preparation) Bill

    On 16 December 2021, the Department for the Economy (‘the Department’) published the Northern Ireland Executive’s Energy Strategy – ‘The Path to Net Zero Energy’. The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 (CCA) sets a target of at least 100% reduction in net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Energy accounts for almost 60% of our greenhouse gas emissions. The Utility Regulator has a key role in supporting the Department in... More
    Closed 16 August 2024
  • NIHE Self-Effectiveness Survey: Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee 2023/24

    This survey seeks to assess Audit, Risk and Assurance Commitee effectiveness and answer the question: W hat are we as a Committee now doing well and what can we do better ? Your responses will be used to stimulate reflection , discussion and learning. The survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating and sharing your views. More
    Closed 15 August 2024
  • DoJ Executive Officer Mentoring Circles Programme - Mentee Expression of Interest

    DoJ is launching a Mentoring Circles Programme for Executive Officers. We are seeking volunteers from staff at EO grade who want to join a mentoring circle as a Mentee to learn and grow through sharing their collective experiences and insights. More
    Closed 12 August 2024
  • Consultation for registration threshold for charities in Northern Ireland

    The Department for Communities is consulting on a registration threshold below which charities in Northern Ireland would not be required to register with the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (the Commission) or provide an annual report and accounts for publication on its website. The consultation will also take views on the resultant regulatory framework for those charities falling below the threshold and choosing not to register. Whether you are a charity... More
    Closed 11 August 2024
  • Ignite Your Skills Evaluation 2024

    You recently participated in the Ignite Your Skills Pilot programme. The programme aims to establish a lifelong learning programme to support older existing workers or those wishing to return to the workplace, aged 40+, with low skills/no skills to engage in learning to achieve recognition in the form of accredited or non-accredited qualifications to aid career progression or to support those wishing to gain qualifications to return to the workplace. We would welcome your participation... More
    Closed 9 August 2024
  • ACNI Musical Instruments Programme 2023/24

    The Musical Instruments programme enables the sector to develop its potential to add wider value in terms of community cohesion, economic regeneration and social inclusion. The programme seeks to increase the quality of music-making in the community by helping eligible bands, organisations and musicians to purchase new instruments and/or replace worn out instruments. More
    Closed 6 August 2024
  • Consultation for primary legislation to resolve issues in regard to the Department for the Economy’s financial powers.

    The Department for the Economy (DfE) proposes some clauses via primary legislation (a ‘Financial Provisions Bill’) to resolve issues in regard to some of the Department’s financial powers . Financial Provisions Bills are brought forward from time to time in relation to routine financial matters and technical and non-controversial issues that would not routinely require primary legislation. This legislation is expected to be included as DfE provisions... More
    Closed 1 August 2024
  • EO1 Competition - Successful Candidates

    An opportunity for staff working in Universal Credit to advise of their inclusion on promotion or recruitment lists. More
    Closed 31 July 2024
  • EA Connect Admissions School and Playgroup User Satisfaction Survey 2024

    Developed through the EdIS programme, EA Connect is home to a number of key services delivered by the Education Authority (EA) to support pre-schools, schools and families. In 2024, Pre-Schools, Primary Schools, Post Primary Schools and Senior High Schools processed admissions applications for 69,879 children on EA Connect. As a user of EA Connect you are being asked to take part in a satisfaction survey. More
    Closed 31 July 2024
  • EO1 Competition - Successful Candidates WAS

    An opportunity for staff working in Working Age Services to advise of their inclusion on EO1 promotion list. More
    Closed 31 July 2024
  • Public Appointment Competition for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE)

    The Department of Education is seeking members for Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta (CnaG) and Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education (NICIE) More
    Closed 24 July 2024
  • Department for the Economy Evaluation of the 2021-2024 Social Enterprise Work Program delivered by Social Enterprise NI.

    DFE recognises that social enterprises are playing an increasingly positive role within the wider economy and to operate effectively they require ongoing support. From April 2021 to March 2024 DFE developed a wide-ranging social enterprise work programme that had the overall aim of supporting the development and growth of social enterprises. Social enterprise NI was selected as our delivery partner to deliver a series of objectives that supported DFE overall aims. ... More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Fuel Poverty Strategy Workshop Feedback

    Thank you for participating in the recent Department for Communities Fuel Poverty Strategy Workshop. We hope you found participation worthwhile. We are processing the feedback you provided at the sessions. We are keen to receive feedback on your experience of the sessions so that we can hopefully improve and refine the process going forward. To this end we are issuing a short evaluation questionnaire via the link below to all workshop participants. We are using a single questionnaire to... More
    Closed 19 July 2024
  • Supervision Training - Evaluation (Supervisees)

    This questionnaire will help us gather feedback on any changes you might have noticed over the past 6 months in relation to supervision with your Line Manager. Your support is much appreciated and will help us in evaluating. This should only take about 10min and any extracted comments will be fully anonymised. More
    Closed 8 July 2024
  • Careers Portal

    The Department for the Economy (DfE) is planning to develop a new online Careers Portal to provide citizens with a single digital starting point for Careers related information in Northern Ireland. More
    Closed 5 July 2024
  • Community Involvement and Cohesion Strategy 2024 - 2029 Consultation

    Public Consultation Community Involvement and Cohesion Strategy 2024 - 2029 The Strategy can be viewed at More
    Closed 5 July 2024
  • Newry, Mourne and Down Job Fair 2024 - OUTCOMES

    Thank you for attending our Job Fair on Friday 24 th May 2024 in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry. As detailed in the exhibitor guidance issued to you prior to the event, it is vital that we gather outcomes. This allows us to evaluate the success of the job fair and shape future events. Please could you complete the Employer Outcomes Form (link below) before it closes on 3rd July 2024. Failure to do so may impact attendance at future events. ... More
    Closed 3 July 2024
  • Review of Tenancy Fraud Processes

    It remains the unfortunate case that some publicly funded housing in Northern Ireland is being occupied by individuals and families who are not entitled to be there. This fraudulent activity deprives families in most need of a home and creates additional costs for the taxpayer. Much good work is carried out by Housing Associations and the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to tackle tenancy fraud. The Social Housing Policy team within the Department for Communities is now undertaking a... More
    Closed 3 July 2024
  • NI Policing Board Community Policing Survey 2024

    The Policing Board is interested in seeking your views around policing in your community and also any experience you have of engaging with the PSNI. We would be grateful if you could complete this short survey which will help us inform the Policing Plan, in particular, to deliver Measure 3.1.3 to assess and evaluate the impact of partnership working with local communities. Any information or comments you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. No... More
    Closed 30 June 2024
  • EA Quality Improvement Session Evaluation

    Employer Advisor Quality Improvement Sessions - Evaluation 2024 More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Copy of PPS Foyle Event 26 June 2024

    Thank you for attending this FSNI forensic awareness session. We would appreciate your time (2 mins) to complete some feedback online. More
    Closed 28 June 2024
467 results. Page 2 of 16